Club Bye Laws

Click link here to download a .pdf of the current Bylaws…November 2021


Note, compared to the previous version of the bye-laws (March 2020) the changes within the November 2021 bye-laws are:  

1) New member applications now reviewed by at least one director rather than being posted on Club Noticeboards

2) Rights of Assisted Membership clarified

3) Guests no longer required to pay £1 per visit

4) Dress for internal leagues and competitions updated to include black trousers and proprietary bowling specific sports shirts

5) Various changes reflecting internal process changes made as a result of introducing Bowlr and 2020 staff restructure

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Angel Bowls Club welcomes everyone with an interest in this fascinating sport and opens its doors to prospective members of all ages, abilities and agilities - from juniors to great-grandparents, from absolute beginners to national level players.

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