WINTER LEAGUES 2024/25 Sign-up sheets for the winter leagues are now on the notice board. To join in with a league just add your name to the relevant sheet. Unless the league...
You can catch up on all your Club's news by clicking below. Got something to communicate to fellow members? Why not contribute to the next Newsletter? You can message the...
September Triples Competition Monday 23rd , Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th and Friday 27th September Competition is 3 Wood Triples Make up your own team of 3,4 or 5...
Bowling Committee Meeting Minutes Your 2024 / 25 Bowling Committee have had their second meeting and you can find the Minutes from that meeting...
The 2024 Club Summer Comps are all drawn and underway. Good luck all our plucky contestants. You can find the full draw and play by dates under the Competitions part of the club...